
Thursday 6 July 2017

My Speech DLO. For Writing

My Speech DLO
For Writing 

This Video is about crop circles this video goes for 8 mins so sit back and relax and enjoy. There are question and more there are some amazing things in this hope you enjoy.

The Video


  1. Hey Tom,
    First of all fantastic post. You captured my attention with your introduction. There were some really great moments in your speech - I definitely should have gone and grabbed some popcorn! I am really not sure what I believe... I don't think that aliens made them... but I am not sure what did! Some advice for next time... Make sure you have a title that is really interesting! This post is great.... you could call it "Mysteries uncovered! The Crop Circle is Fake!" Also, another interesting point to take into account is that 8minutes is a long time for someone to listen to a post. Next time you may get more comments with a shorter video... just a suggestion!

    1. Thanks Miss Morgan, Hi it’s Tom I like the way how you said to change my tite I will do that today but can you go and look at my solar eclipse blog post and comment on it because it is interesting because the next one is 2024 it’s in North America and I am going Yay are you going to it. But if you comment on the solar eclipse you I can see the answer? I will make the video smaller Thanks. Tom Out


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