
Wednesday 29 November 2017

Athletics Day!*

Athletics Day!

By Tom H

Hello my name is Tom today I will be telling you about Athletics day, so here are all of the Events that we did Shot put, Discus, long distance that is running, Sprints that is running again, High Jump, Long jump and we had a resting area were we can get a drink and go to the toilet so that's it for Events.

I felt really happy about what I did so I will put some photos in later when I have them. I went good I came 3rd place in high jump and I came 3rd place in long jump I just about came 3rd in Sprints I came 4th I came 5th in Discus. 

My favorite part of the day was high jump and Discus maybe all the ones that we did but high jump was my favorite of the day. My Goal next year is to jump up higher for high jump and to jump longer for long jump and to get faster for sprints.

Friday 24 November 2017

Polar bears

Image result for polar bears
Here’s some bears in Canada.
Polar Bears
By Tom H

Hi my name is Tom, I’m going to tell you about Polar Bears.
Polar Bears like the cold and they eat seals and fish, but I will talk about that soon, so do you like the cold? Because I don’t, only if it’s a very hot. I have been on epic and more reading webs and I have found some information but I will show you that next. So sit back and hear what I have for you.

The Polar Bears are mostly in Canada. As moves on the polar bears moved north but they had to face the extreme cold and try to hunt for seals because they were facing cold winds and snow that it was hard to see and that’s why. If you did not know, they have very thick 5cm fur so they are warm but they can still get cold. I think you know that polar bears hands are as big as a plate that you eat at the dinner table. So the information that I have been giving you has been from these two website Web 1 Web 2 so there you have 2 websites that I have been going off of.

Here’s one fact, did you know that mother polar bears give birth to baby polar bears when they’re 4? I know some of you don’t know this but now I do, the mother polar bear digs a den for little polar bears. Polar Bears go out from their den at spring and they ride on sea ice. The mother teaches them to hunt, the sun is getting warmer the polar bears have to go colder so they walk all the way to the other side.
This is a Documentary about polar bears.
Polar Bears live in Greenland and that’s where they travel when it get’s hot but when it get’s hot there they go back to the Arctic Ocean on a sea ice. The only time that I would go on a sea ice is when I need to go across the cold ocean and I don’t have a boat. Polar bears are the most biggest bear. So do you want more info? I think you do but I am going to the next page. Have you clicked on the Documentary of the polar bears?

I have not seen it all because it’s 50mins. Did you know that Polar Bears are the most biggest of all Bears. Did you know that polar bears hunt seals bigger their size. This is an image of a polar bear going up on a Buggy so this is what happened this guy was researching polar bears so he moved to Canada and when he was there he went on a buggy he looked out his window and on a different buggy there was polar bears on it so he took a photo and here it is. I have find so much more information, so here it is I read to about 4 epic books but most of them are the same but I will be doing something of what they eat so here it is.

What they eat.

Polar bears like to eat fish and seals but their is some more things that they like to eat, so here it is. Walrus, bowhead whales carcasses, beluga whales, birds eggs on the ice and that all I can find so far but I will keep on looking on google, epic and more websites I can’t remember what this web site was called. This is not about what they eat but I find this on epic. Polar bears fat is called blubber if you didn’t no.

In Conclusion

Polar bears have been fun to Research. I hope you like the facts and information like how a polar bear’s paw is as big as a plate! Also how Polar Bear’s fat is called blubber. Can you remember me telling you that their fur is 5cm thick? My favourite thing was what they eat because I enjoyed reading books and going on google to find that they eat whales. So put in the comments what else you would like to know. Bye.

Please Send feedback.

Friday 10 November 2017

Translation, Reflection and Rotation DLO

Hi my name is Tom and this is my DLO.
Today I will be showing my DLO. Have you been having problems with maths? This is a DLO for you because it's about Translation, reflection and rotation and they're just in the video. Translation is the same on one side and reflection is like a mirror image and rotation is turning the shape.

Hope you liked the video please leave a comment. Bye