
Wednesday 29 November 2017

Athletics Day!*

Athletics Day!

By Tom H

Hello my name is Tom today I will be telling you about Athletics day, so here are all of the Events that we did Shot put, Discus, long distance that is running, Sprints that is running again, High Jump, Long jump and we had a resting area were we can get a drink and go to the toilet so that's it for Events.

I felt really happy about what I did so I will put some photos in later when I have them. I went good I came 3rd place in high jump and I came 3rd place in long jump I just about came 3rd in Sprints I came 4th I came 5th in Discus. 

My favorite part of the day was high jump and Discus maybe all the ones that we did but high jump was my favorite of the day. My Goal next year is to jump up higher for high jump and to jump longer for long jump and to get faster for sprints.

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