
Thursday 23 July 2020

Gold Mine Era

Hello everyone welcome to my blog post,

Today i'm sharing about the gold mine Era of New Zealand. 

Gabriel Read gained fame and provincial government bonuses when he found gold near the Tuapeka River, a tributary of the Clutha River in Otago.

Did you know that The Otago gold rush peaked in the mid-1860s, after which miners left in large numbers for the new West Coast goldfields. Read returned to Tasmania in 1864 and spent his final years in a mental hospital.

Five of the most famous miners who defined the industry

Thank you for reading and looking at my blog post. Tom

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your post Tom. That's interesting about Gabriel Read. Do you have any idea why he suffered from mental health? Was it to do the harsh working conditions gold mining? Or was he very rich and worried about his fortune?
    Mrs Hastie


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