
Friday 31 May 2019

Sedimentary Experiment

Talofa lava bloggers,

Today I'm am talking to you about earth science. We did a experiment with sedimentary rocks, this experiment took a week to finish. My partner was Shadrach he was the one that videoed me.

First we had to mix the ingredients to make the first layer of sedimentary. In the first layer we put rocks big and small. For the second layer we put shells and I think more rocks we also dyed this layer to see all the layers but now you can't see any layers because the dye was not a mineral.

For the third layer I forget what we put in but it was also dyed it. For the forth layer we dye it again and we put more rocks and shells. We broke the sedimentary rock to see how the layers are formed.
Here is a video of me breaking the rock.

Thank you for reading my blog post, if you enjoyed please leave a comment and when I have time, I will try to reply to your comment. Tom

Friday 17 May 2019

Cyber Safety

Hello bloggers,

Welcome back to another blog post. Today we have been talking about Cyber Safety to be safe online. I have made a video for my parents to watch for them to be safe online. I will be telling my parents why not to put Private information online. Here is the video

Thank you for looking at my blog, if you can please leave a comment. Tom

Thursday 16 May 2019

Word of the day!

Tola Lava Bloggers,

Welcome to my blog today. Today we are doing the word of the day. The word today Concoction, i'm doing the word of the day because it helps are vocabulary and spelling.

Thank you for coming to my blog, if you enjoyed please leave a comment. Tom

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Word of the day!

Hello Bloggers,

Welcome or welcome back to my blog today. I will be telling you the word of the day. The word today is Monotonous. Monotonous means that pitch your tone is going to. We are doing the word of the day because we could use this word in some writing of ours. Also to in prove are vocabulary.
Here's the word.

Thank you for looking at my blog. Please leave some feedback in the comments. Tom

Thursday 9 May 2019

Word of the day

Tola Lava,

Welcome back to my blog it's term two and i'm ready to make more blog posts. But today we are doing the word of the day. The word today is Adversary.

I hope you enjoyed my post. If you did please leave a comment. Tom

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Life Education Trust

G'day bloggers,

Welcome back to my blog. Today i'm going to be telling you about Life Education Trust, and what we learnt with Harold the Giraffe. So with learning with Harold we also had a lady named Siobhan. They set as a challenge and we had to do it on a Google Doc.

This doc is about Thinking Styles because when we had Harold there was 4 groups of animals. One was a Golden Retriever, Beavers, Lion and a Otter.

We also had are Strengths that we thought about are self's and are friend. We also had what a Upstander and Bystander. But now here is my doc.

Thank you for reading my blog post. If you enjoy please leave a comment. If you think I need to work on any think please tell me in the comments.