
Tuesday 17 December 2019

SLJ: Hudson River.

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my blog. Today for the Summer Learning Journey i'm going to be telling you about the movie/real life plane crash in the Hudson river. If you didn't know they made a whole movie about the plane crash. It's called "Sully." The reason that the plane had a crash landing was because a storm of birds were flying at the plane that a lot of them went into the engine. The plane lost power and flight so they had to have an emergency landing on the Hudson River. No one died because of the smart thinking from Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger.

Image Link: Click Me

One time my friend was in a car and his dad was driving and they were on a long drive and they were falling off the Mountain but because of the dad he jumped out of the car and pulled everyone out before it was too late.

Thank you for looking and reading my post, if you have time please leave a comment.

Kind regards,

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Tom!

    My name is Mikey. I'm a part of the Summer Learning Journey team and I'll be commenting on some of your wonderful blog posts over the summer break. Congratulations on completing your first activity! :)

    I really like how you've explained what this post is about. Not everyone who comes across your blog will have heard of the Summer Learning Journey before so it's great that you've shared the activity instructions. Oh my gosh! That sounds like it would have been very scary. I'm glad your friends dad reacted fast enough to be able to get everyone out of the car safely.

    Well done for attributing your image as well. It's awesome to see that you've remembered to do that. :)

    Keep up the great blogging, Tom. I can't wait to read more posts from you soon.

    Bye for now,

    Mikey :)


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