
Wednesday 24 February 2021

Design and Print Making

Hello everyone today i'm going to share with you my art for design and print making. So today were going to be looking at some logos. These logos have different areas of good logos. 

This first one is a company called Lion bird and the lion on/in the bird. With the lions eyes in the birds wings and the lion's nose on the birds chest. But overall the Lion bird logo is good.

This company is called Ed's Electric. First i'm going to show you something cool as you can see there is a (e) for ed in the middle of the plug. It’s clever because if you look away you can see it, but if you keep looking it disappears.

This last company is called Iron Duck its a clothing company. The awesome thing about this a duck on the hanger and also inside of it the place is a clothing company with the coat hanger and it looks like a duck with it, an it’s in silver for the iron.

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Kind regards,


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