
Thursday 2 December 2021

Business and Enterprise.

 Hello Everyone Today i'm sharing a blog post about Business and Enterprise.

On Wednesday 1st of December we had business and enterprise (B&E). Me and 3 of my mates, choose to try to sell seeds on a tape (Seed Tape). I was the CEO so that means that I was in meeting and would help my team do there jobs.

We had $20 to spend but we only spend around $5. We had to send a letter to the big boss and ask to get $5 and we had to try to make at least $6 to make profit. But we originally wanted to do posters in picture frames of famous celebrity. But then we made a decision to do seed tape. Because are product was small it we only used one 1 period to make it. 

Here is a picture of the seed tape:

Like I said before we choose to do seed tape but looking back our business would of been more successful if we did posters. But in regards to if we made a profit. No we didn't because our business was intended to be brought buy the adult that wore surpost to be there but wasn't because the school shut it down early. Also we didn't keep the value so we put it down to 2 for 50 cents. 

But by the end if the day it was kind of fun and it was a long day but I got though it.

Thanks for looking and reading my post if you have time please leave a comment. Thanks Tom 

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