
Tuesday 29 August 2017

The Dreamgiver

The Dreamgiver
By Tom H

One night when the lights were out and the wolf were helling. I the Dream Giver yes the one that gives away dreams. I was looking at someone to give dream to and when I was go to a house I went to a farm.

They had pants and more on the washing line but let’s get back on to the story so when I was outside I was looking for a way in then I sore the best place to go but I had to no slam it onto the wood I just about did but because I can fly so I can save it from hitting the side but when I went inside there were 2 girls and 4 boys.

I had 4 or 5 eggs and I gave one that had a poster dream about a saxophone and he played it like a boss. Next he gave a dream to a girl that like dancing and she was just sleepwalking. Then the last one was being in space.

Next this happened and it was not a good thing the kid that had the assertion dream he hit an egg with his foot and it landed on a book and it broke and it first look like the solar system but it was not it was a black hole that got the assertion but in the black hole there was a world but it was not in a bedroom in was in China and I hit something and then a dragon appeared and then I ran, ran and ran out of there.

But then there was a dead end. Now this is where I come in “It’s go time.” then I loaded up on eggs and boom there I hit the tree and then it grow fast and I mean fast it was going everywhere but it did not hit the astronaut and for the last time it roared and then the kid wakes up and he got the book and when he started to read then I got out but that’s the end bye. The End.

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