
Tuesday 29 August 2017

Buster the Boxer

Hi Today you are Reading Buster the Boxer Bye.
Here a Photo.
Image result for Buster the Boxer

One night when the City was black the animals were out.
My owner was jumping on her bed. It was snowing my owner's dad said it was -5 I was looking how my owner was jumping then I ran out to the living room and looked out the window it was her dad and he was making something and I did not know what it was. So I spend a  looking out the window.  It looked circular but what was it was it a toy I did not no let me have a better look.  

Then out of the nowhere 2 foxes were jumping on it then I knew what it was it was a Trampoline then I was Burned because I had one at my old house and then a Raccoon came running in. More and more animal came in and they all said “I wish the dog at the window was with as.” Buster tried to get out but he was not a human he was a dog Buster was sad But he was ready for tomorrow because it’s Christmas and that’s when my owner gets her gifted that when I play on it yay.

The next day it was Christmas it snowed a lot last night it’s -12. Then I saw the door open so I got ready to run like a race but one all by my self 3, 2, 1 GO run, run, run then I bet my owner outside I jumped on the Trampoline jump, jump, jump and jumped and I wish the animals ware with me i’m sad but happy that I get to jump on the Trampoline but it is sad that I can’t jump with my friends I will get them tomorrow because we will have this till it brakes.”

Thanks for tuning see you on more posts bye.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hi tom it is isaac from yaldhurst school I like that you have written about a Boxer.
    I love Boxers because I have one and I love them and the post it is so cool because you have put a lot of effort into it.
    Maybe next time you can re read the post to make sure that it makes sense.
    Do you have a dog ? I can not wait for you next post.
    look at my blog


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