
Wednesday 28 November 2018

Armistice Day (More Facts)

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog today I have another Armistice Day DLO we made this on Powtoon it was a cool site go look them up. I am working with a buddy for this one big thanks to him for getting done at his house but his name is Shadrach. But now here is our Powtoon. (PLEASE DO NOT EDIT) LINK

I hope you enjoy this sideshow please leave a comment and have a good day. Tom

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Armistice Day

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog today I will be telling you facts about Armistice Day (This is about WW1). If you know about world war one you should know that it was the first world war in history. The first world war was in Europe. But now I will give you the facts about the war.

Fact 1.
Do you know why they call it Armistice day? No well I do so when the war just about ended they a treaty to end the world war and the treaty was named Armistice.

Fact 2.
Did you know that just about one hundred thousandth New Zealander went to war 18,00 Died Sadly 48,00 where injured and the rest came back Good.

Fact 3.
Did you know that the war started on 28 July 1914 and ended on the 11 of November 1918. Did you have any family members in WW1 or WW2.

If you think that my blog post is good please reply in the comments and have a good day or night bye. Tom

Thursday 15 November 2018

Buddy Time with Eli and Kody

Hello everyone today i'm with Eli my buddy and Kody because his buddy is not here. Today i'm telling you about Eli like what his favourite food is and what is Eli's favourite thing to do.

Eli's favourite food he is going to name his top 3,
1.Fish and Chips
2.Hot Dog
3.Macaroni and Cheese

Here is his favourite thing to do is play games. 

Eli said. Thank you for looking at my favourite food and thing is I hope you have a good day.

Photo here.

Volume and Capacity

Hi today I am going to tell you about the Definition of Volume and Capacity. Do you guy and girls know anything about Volume and Capacity tell me in the comments if you do. Now lets get back into the blog post. Here is the Definition of and Capacity

Thank you for looking at my blog please come back I will have more post and please comment I will reply. Tom :)

Monday 12 November 2018

Number Line Strategy

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog today I have a DLO for it is about the number line. I hope you enjoy this blog post sorry this one didn't have a video but have a good day or night. Tom

Here's the Number line.
I hope you had a good day or night please comment. Tom