
Wednesday 28 November 2018

Armistice Day (More Facts)

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog today I have another Armistice Day DLO we made this on Powtoon it was a cool site go look them up. I am working with a buddy for this one big thanks to him for getting done at his house but his name is Shadrach. But now here is our Powtoon. (PLEASE DO NOT EDIT) LINK

I hope you enjoy this sideshow please leave a comment and have a good day. Tom


  1. Hello Tom. That was nice that Shadrach did some of this work in his own time. I clicked on the word LINK and then was unsure what I needed to do next. Can you please let me know what the next step is that I need to do? You can catch up with me or reply to this. Have a good day

    1. Hello Tom,
      I like how you gave a shout out to Shadrach. And you said do not edit just in case. But it doesn't let me see your PowerToon it says I need to put in my Email and other things. Have a good day bye!

  2. Hi Tom
    if you are waning it rate in 21 you can and if you are waning to rate it 10 if you want.

  3. Hi Tom,
    I have been reading most of your post. This blog post does not make sense. Maybe next time you could add more information.


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