
Tuesday 9 April 2019

Word of the day!

Hello everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. Today I will be telling you a word, the word is Mayhem. If you have read any book it will have a bit of mayhem, like there will be a fight. I think you all know what mayhem means but do you know the definition of mayhem? Please leave a comment if you have heard Mayhem before. If it was in a book please tell me the book. Thank you, please enjoy. 
Thank you for reading. Leave a great comment for me to reply to. Tom

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tom.One more sleep and we will be back at school.I hope you have had a great holiday.
    I have heard of the word 'mayhem' but haven't come across it used in text in a book.With the example that you have used, do you copy that from somewhere or is it something that you make up?


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