
Friday 28 February 2020

This Weeks Maths.

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my post. Today i'm going to be sharing a blog post about MATHS.

This week we have been learning about graphs that are steam and leaf graft and a frequency chart.
We have been doing maths with Mr Mitchell. We have done other graphs but I could only fit to on the white board so I hope you can under stand. But the grafts were histogram and a bar graph.

Here I have a picture of a steam and leaf graph and a frequency chart
(the top one is a steam and leaf graph and the bottom one is frequency chart)

I hope you enjoyed my maths blog post if you did leave a comment. Tom

Te Tiriti O Waitangi

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my blog. Today i'm sharing my DLO with you it is about the Treaty of Waitangi. Now i'm going to share a link to a document under the picture and it will take you to my work.

Here is the Picture.

Click the Link

To get the doc click the link.

Thank you for reading and looking at my post, if you have time leave a comment.

Thursday 20 February 2020

I challenge YOU.


Image result for I challenge you

To follow my steps to make a paper hat.
Here are my steps
How to make a Paper Hat.

  1.  First have your paper Land Scape
  2.  Then fold your paper Vertically in half.
  3.  Use the same piece of paper and fold it portrait.
  4.  Then use that piece of paper and then unfold it back to the first step.
  5.  Then use that piece of paper and use the side of the paper where there is a full line.
  6.  Then fold them into a halfway shape then you should have a two paper gap at the bottom.
  7.  Then fold one of the paper gaps to one side of the paper and then fold the other side of it to the other side of the paper.
  8.  Then you should be finished.

Your paper hat should look like this.

If it does your finished.

Friday 14 February 2020

Summary of the week.

Hello everyone welcome to my blog,

Today i'm sharing my week with you. We had to make a DLO for this. This week we have been learning about Maths and Health. My DLO will explain.

Thank for reading and watching my DLO hope you enjoyed. Tom

Wednesday 12 February 2020

A T-shirt about me.

Hello everyone,

Today i'm going to be telling you guys about my T-shirt about me.

The biggest box/ the second middle box has me and my family in it. The 4 box's include my favourite fruits, colour and book. The one next to them is my favourite subject Maths. The four up the top include my favourite movie the bee movie, animal is a bunny, sports I play and my dream place Aussie. Then my Favourite song Sunflower, Post Malone and number is 11. Then fruit is apple and what year I am 7 and my name Tom.

Here is a photo of the t-shirt.

Thank you for reading and looking at my blog if you enjoyed please comment. Tom

Kia ora.

Hello everyone,

welcome to my blog. Today I just want to say welcome to my blog and I hope that you enjoy my posts.