
Friday 20 September 2019

Hotspot Writing. (Super Cool)

Hello everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. Today i'm sharing my hotspot writing with you. Hotspot writing is like free writing but you have a task to complete. We were inspired by a image and then we had to write about the photo. So I based my story 100 thousand years in the future. I hope you enjoy my writing.
Here it is:

I had to write my own story inspired by this picture.
I had to.
Re-read once and highlight my descriptive sentences blue.
Re-read again and highlight my strongest vocabulary yellow.
Re-read again and check my full stops and capitals.

100 thousand years in the future
Earth once was a beautiful plant I still remember the good days. Scientists made me invincible I could never die well that's what I thought… 

Me thinking that I was invincible made me fearless. So now 100 thousand years later everyone was fearless. People thought I was superman and spider man combined. My earth was a war field everyone had guns, knives, no one was scared. Gun fight after gun fight everyone was just having their best life. I always had my crew of 3 with me. Me and my crew had to wear masks, I had a gold one and they had silver ones.

I hope you enjoyed my post, if you did please leave a comment. Tom

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