
Thursday 27 June 2019


Hello everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. Today's post is going to be about my crystal experiment. Did you know that crystals are formed by space, water and time. For our experiment we had to get borax, hot water and pipe cleaners.

We got 3 pipe cleaners and put them in a bowl shape with holes. Crystals are usually made from a pure mineral. If you look at the video with a good eye you will see some borax crystals at the bottom of the pipe cleaner. Some peoples crystals are not forming on the pipe cleaners but forming on the bottom of the cup. I think my borax crystals will form on the pipe cleaners.
Now here is my video.

Thank you for reading my blog post, if you can please leave a comment. Tom

1 comment:

  1. Good evening Tom.
    I like that you have explained what equipment you needed and the process of making crystals.
    I remember making something like this when I was at school but I think it was at High School.
    I tried clicking on your video but it said I needed access so I haven't watched it.
    Can you catch up with me at school tomorrow please and let me know if I have done something wrong?


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