
Tuesday 11 August 2020

Science With Tom.

 Hello everyone,

Today i'm sharing a story about science today. We had to make a version of this. It's called a hexadecimal code what it is, it's a code that you can get though computers, images and a lot of other thing if you can use like (7A) Z if you need help this is a good way to commutation with outsiders. We did a challenge with it and for the first day it work badly because me and partner were confused but today it work great because we learn it more, the word was white out. I feel if you use it try to use your arms and not hands. 

This is a image of the code so take a screenshot of it you might need it in the future.

ASCII Hexadecimal Binary code Table Character, binary code in ...

Thank you for reading and looking at my post if you enjoyed leave a comment. Tom

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