
Friday 4 June 2021


 Hello everyone today I'm sharing about the Canterbury floods. 

The floods happened last week on Sunday and Monday the whole of Canterbury had a strong wind and flood warning. Half of the town of Ashburton had to evacuate because the flooding and the wind. The MetService had a code red for the whole of Canterbury and the rain was going to get to 400mm high. The people of Springfield, the upper and lower Selywn huts and in the peel forest. The Ashley river stopbank is also at risk of failure, Ashburton, Timaru and Selywn have all declared civil defense emergency. Over 52 schools where closed in the south and north Christchurch area. 

                                                             This is a picture of the Ashburton river

Thanks for looking and reading my post. Did anyone suffer or get affected from the floods if you have time then leave a comment. Thanks, Tom

1 comment:

  1. Superb reporting Tom, supported by a well-chosen pic. I can see you cribbed some words and mixed them in with you own. This is OK, but you have to keep true to the tense (present/past/future etc.). An informative read!:-)


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