
Friday 28 December 2018

SLJ Week 3 Day 5

Hello everyone welcome to my blog SLJ sorry for being so late I forgot about it but I think I will do every day from new so I am ready for my first activity my activity is write 3 fact that I got from a video about air Pollution this is when gasses go up into the air and this can make fog and just problems. But now I will get into my facts. Here is the Video for the Air Pollution

1. Did you know that Most Air Pollution is from human made objects things like Greenhouse Gasses.

2. Greenhouse Gasses Can increase Smog, Ride in Mold, More Pollen.

3. Some of the air gasses come from things like Natural Sources.

I hope you liked my first Summer Learning Journey in Week 3 I hope you enjoyed. Please Comment if can thank you. Tom

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey 1 (This time it is for real)

Hello everyone,
Welcome to my first Summer Learning Journey for the Summer holidays. 
In this holiday I will be posting lots of Summer Learning things and for this time we are "The World Around us" so this week is called "A Place to Stand". We will be learning all about the land habitats here in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Image result for NEW ZEALAND

Related image
Image result for NEW ZEALAND

Thank you for read my blog please comment have a good day bye.

Tuesday 11 December 2018

My favourite activity on EOTC Week

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog today I will be telling you about my favourite thing on EOTC week. EOTC week means Education outside the classroom

My favourite thing on EOTC week was Adrenaline Forest. I thought I couldn't do one of the activity's but I sod up and did it do you think that you could do the same thing if you think you can comment below. Thank you Adrenaline Forest for having are school and I hope you boys and girls enjoyed this blog post if you can comment it would be amazing. Please have a good day. Tom

Here are some pictures of me.

Monday 10 December 2018

What was living on quail Island in the 1900 and facts.

What was living on Quail Island in the 1900?
Quails where living their in the 1900 but now they are extent people with
Leprosy lived their so other people could not get sickness.  

Did you know that people with this thing called Leprosy this is where your limbs
would get tight and they may not even be able to move them so they sent them
to Quail Island there was one person that died and was and they were buried
their and the rest went to Fiji.

Did you know that Quail island is called Quail island because there was lots of
quail that lives their. Quail went Extinct in 1875.

Links from where I got the facts
This is a 24 year old man that had leprosy

Please comment and have a good day bye. Tom

SLJ Practice 5

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog today I have another SLJ practice today me and Curios Kiwi and I where just about to leave England so we wanted to see famous landmarks so here are some fact about some and I hope you enjoy.

Thank you for looking and reading today, please comment and have a very great day bye.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Armistice Day (More Facts)

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog today I have another Armistice Day DLO we made this on Powtoon it was a cool site go look them up. I am working with a buddy for this one big thanks to him for getting done at his house but his name is Shadrach. But now here is our Powtoon. (PLEASE DO NOT EDIT) LINK

I hope you enjoy this sideshow please leave a comment and have a good day. Tom

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Armistice Day

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog today I will be telling you facts about Armistice Day (This is about WW1). If you know about world war one you should know that it was the first world war in history. The first world war was in Europe. But now I will give you the facts about the war.

Fact 1.
Do you know why they call it Armistice day? No well I do so when the war just about ended they a treaty to end the world war and the treaty was named Armistice.

Fact 2.
Did you know that just about one hundred thousandth New Zealander went to war 18,00 Died Sadly 48,00 where injured and the rest came back Good.

Fact 3.
Did you know that the war started on 28 July 1914 and ended on the 11 of November 1918. Did you have any family members in WW1 or WW2.

If you think that my blog post is good please reply in the comments and have a good day or night bye. Tom

Thursday 15 November 2018

Buddy Time with Eli and Kody

Hello everyone today i'm with Eli my buddy and Kody because his buddy is not here. Today i'm telling you about Eli like what his favourite food is and what is Eli's favourite thing to do.

Eli's favourite food he is going to name his top 3,
1.Fish and Chips
2.Hot Dog
3.Macaroni and Cheese

Here is his favourite thing to do is play games. 

Eli said. Thank you for looking at my favourite food and thing is I hope you have a good day.

Photo here.

Volume and Capacity

Hi today I am going to tell you about the Definition of Volume and Capacity. Do you guy and girls know anything about Volume and Capacity tell me in the comments if you do. Now lets get back into the blog post. Here is the Definition of and Capacity

Thank you for looking at my blog please come back I will have more post and please comment I will reply. Tom :)

Monday 12 November 2018

Number Line Strategy

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog today I have a DLO for it is about the number line. I hope you enjoy this blog post sorry this one didn't have a video but have a good day or night. Tom

Here's the Number line.
I hope you had a good day or night please comment. Tom

Tuesday 30 October 2018



Hello everyone welcome back to my blog W.A.L.T prepare for our end of the year PAT comprehension and STAR test. These are some of my scores from term 1 and I hope you enjoy. (I might show you some of my testing or not I don't know.) Here's my PAT comprehension and STAR test scores. 

For my STAR test I got an 4 so this year I'm trying to get a 5 or an 6 in my thoughts I think I am going to get an 5 but I still need to work on it. For my PAT comprehension I also got a 4 so I am looking for a five or saying on 4. What score did you get when you had your PAT comprehension and STAR test let me know in the comments thanks.

I hope you enjoy this blog post I have put it small to see how you guys like it if you like large please comment that you like large or if you like small please comment that you like small have cool happy week. Tom

Hi i'm back and I got my scores from term 4 and here they are.

Friday 26 October 2018

SLJ Practice 2

Hello everyone today I am showing you a anther SLJ Practice I think you will like this and I think you will enjoy.

Please comment if you can see an mistake and have a good day.

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Facts, facts and more facts about Australia (SLJ practice 1)

G'day mate welcome back to my blog to day I have a task to do, it is about Australia. W.A.L.T use Google skills to research and answer these questions.

Image result for canberra
The name of the capital city is Canberra.

The Population of the capital city is about 400,000 in 2018

You can find Canberra in the South east side of Australia close to Melbourne and Sydney. 

The weather in Canberra can get up to 12c to 27c in Canberra. 
English is top language they speak in Canberra then it is Mandarin and more.

Do you know more facts about Canberra or Australia please comment and let me know have a great day or week bye. Tom

Thursday 20 September 2018

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Hello everyone Tom here today I will be telling you what, why and who Harry Potter and more people are. WALT: Use a range of skill to read and comprehend a passage of writing. We have been doing this with Miss T for about 2 weeks. If you like harry potter comment bellow. Here is my Side Show.

Thank you for looking on my blog I hope you have a very good day. Tom

Wednesday 19 September 2018

I NEED YOU!!! (Blog commenting)

My amazing DLO

Hello welcome to anther DLO today W.A.L.T (we are learning to) work out discounts using fractions and percentages. So now you know my W.A.L.T we can go on are video. This DLO was hard to learn but it got easier after wile and I hope you learn something to here it is.

I Hope you enjoyed if you did just go and leave a comment it takes like 3 mins. Have a good week.

Saturday 8 September 2018

Soccer trophies

Hello everyone welcome back to another blog post today I will be showing you my trophies from soccer I was player of the year (10th grade) I hope you like this blog post enjoy.

Please comment have a good day. Tom

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Body system with Miss D

The body system with Miss D
Hello everybody welcome back to a anther DLO to I have what I have learnt with Miss D. So this time we only have 3 systems I hope you enjoy. We are doing this for science! 

Please Comment have a good day BYE!!!

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonist and Antagonist

Hello everybody welcome back to my blog to day I will be telling you about Protagonist and Antagonist. So an Protagonist is the main character or the good guy that been in the story the longest. Antagonist is the villain so in the three little pigs story the wolf is the antagonist because he ate the the first little pig and the second little pig plus he blow there houses down. Now here is my Multiple perspectives

Thank you for looking on my blog have a good day and please leave a comment

The Body System

The body system.
Hello everyone today I will be sharing with you my DLO is W.A.L.T explain what different body systems are and how they work. We have been doing this for 1 week we have been doing 4 body systems there names Digestive system, Nervous system, Muscular system and your Respiratory system. So the DLO is about the facts of the systems, here is my DLO.

Thank you for reading and looking at my blog post. Please leave a comment have a very good day, Bye.

Monday 3 September 2018

There rule of three

There rule of there.
Hello everyone I am back with anther blog post this one is about The three little pigs, Jack and the bean stalk and Goldie locks and three bears. I have been doing this for 2 weeks I have find as many as I can hear it is.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post please comment if you have time Have a good day bye.

Friday 17 August 2018

Fantasy world

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog,
Today i'm telling you about my fantasy world. We have two islands on are fantasy world. Both of the islands have volcano, villages and more. Me, Bryce, Alex and Joshua.

Here's my groups work

Thank you for looking and watching my video have a good day Bye.

Thursday 9 August 2018

The Mystery Giant

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog today I well be sharing a story from June this story is about a mystery giant so I am still working on this. It is from June because I have been writing other things hope you enjoy.

1 Second
The Mystery Giant
One Day I was going around the streets on my bike. Then I saw something in the Corner of my
eye it was big but hands where small I said is anyone their. I saw the thing move closer I said
are you a giant not knowing that it was going to replay but then It did “Yes” A Deep Voice replied.
“I’m the only one here but I have brother his name is Tony I think I It’s just I haven't seen him in years”.
But now I you have seen me I have to take you I i’m am The Mystery Giant.

1 Minute

Why do you have to take me I just 9 Years old. I have to take you or they eat you.
WHAT EAT ME!!! Then I was out of words I what. That just about made me pass out.
He then grabbed me and put me in his pocket and it felt like he jump over the world.

Hope you enjoy please leave a helpful, thoughtful and positive comment Bye.

Thursday 2 August 2018

The three little pigs wanderings

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog today I will be telling you about my three little pigs wanderings.

So my first theory is revenge. I think that maybe the big bad wolf wanted revenge because something that has happened in the past like the pigs father had done the same thing to the wolf brother or sister but I think that the wolf that ate the brothers was just to young to go with his brothers and sisters. So that why he wanted to eat the 3 little pigs.   

My second one is getting info from mother about where her kids where. I think that the wolf ate there mother but before he ate the mother he said where are your kids and she said I sent them away to live on there own but your going to find them so then the wolf went away and find the kids.

Thank you for coming on to my blog please leave a helpful, thankful and positive comment have a great day bye.

Tuesday 31 July 2018

Amazing Woodend Camp

Woodend Camp

Hello welcome back to a blog post with me. Today this post is a recount about my school holidays. 

In the winter school Holidays I went on a camp. This camps name is Woodend. When I got their I felt happy because I was in the bus for about 30 mins

So on Monday the 16 of July I went on camp, well on this camp we slept in -9 to -15 d their where thing like songs that we had to sing and at lunch we had to do a grace because I forgot to tell you that this was a Christian Camp. We got to learn about god why Jesus died on the cross. Some of the fun things we did on camp where shot air rifles and more. To be continued.

If you can please leave a comment.

Monday 25 June 2018

Topic Time

Topic Time
Hello my name is Tom like you know today I will be telling you about Topic. So for Topic I have been writing about my Character it has Spikes, 2 horns, 1 eye and lots more. 

Also for Topic we had to get into a group of at leased 3 or 4 people in my group we have 4 people. We have a world named Hiceland it's a hot ice land in the world there is a volcano that spites out lava cubes I am still working on this work.

I think next time I need to be more focus on my work and talk more with my Group. Please leave a Helpful, thoughtful and thankful comment Bye.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Digital ignition Work

Digital ignition
Hello today I have a Cool blog post for you about coding, Binary Search and more the lady that help as name was Lyn. Coding it's behind how your Laptop work there only 2 steeps On and Off so On is when you click your mouse or when your writing with your keys. The reason it do's this is because in the the middle of your computer there a mother board and the mother board tells your computer what to do now lets get on to what I did. So I did binary search and bubble search on the first week then on the second and third weeks we played on scratch jr. Thank you for reading my blog post have a good day. Please leave a comment Bye.

Here's a photo

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Opinion about what dinosaur lived in New Zealand the longest

Opinion about what dinosaur lived in New Zealand the longest. 
W.A.L.T Which dinosaur do you think would have survived the best in New Zealand. 
Hello today I will sharing about my Opinion of what dinosaur lived in New Zealand the longest. Just saying this is my Opinion this is what I think. In my Opinion I think the Theropods Lived the longest I have a DLO (digital learning object) of what Dinosaur in my opinion lived the longest here my DLO.

Please comment a helpful, thoughtful and thankful. Bye

Thursday 24 May 2018

The Ridge

I watched a video of Danny Macaskill riding a bike I had to make a story because I was working on my vocb. Here it is hope you like it bye.

The Ridge
By Danny Macaskill

Hi i’m Danny today i’m going in a bike ride trip up a mountain and that mountain was big and it was summer so the snow on it is gone. Let’s get over that and go to the story.

I was on my kiku and roing to the big one I was a pro. I was hoping that the tide didn’t come to my kiku when I stop but when I looked behind me my kiku was going back in. I was happy that I had my phone so I can call for someone to come to pick me up the one thing that I did not like was that it cood go flat and then I can’t call someone.

Then I got on my bike and started to ride up it said that this one would take 2 hour or more and that when I said that that’s the one that I was looking for because the one I was looking at before that one was 6 hour and a 2 hour drive for my house to there.

Let’s get back on to are adventure now i’m halfway and 30 mins to go till the top then 1 hour back but there have been hard things on the way like jumping waterfalls and more. So have you been biking in the past yes or no.

This is the part where I have to start walking for 5 or 10 mins then going down a big hill and then get the speed to get up this steep bit then I ride down Woooooooo, (Me going Down the hill having fun.) Ya that felt good 2 more mins to go till i'm at the top 1 min 30 seconds 1 second we are there. This is a good view I will stay here for the sun set then I remembered that my kiku was on the beach so I went back and when I went back to my house. The End Hope you like it Bye.

Addition and Subtraction Reflection

This term in math we have been leaning Addition and Subtraction strategies. This is my reflection about what stage I am working on and what my next step is. Hope you enjoy the video see you next DLO Bye.

Hello every today I have been going though my blog and I funded this old blog post It's an DLO of Addition and Subtraction Reflection Hope you Liked it. 
Please Make a Helpful, Thankful and Thoughtful. 


Hello my name is Tom like you know, I hope you are having a good day I am. Today I am sharing My cyclone Slide with you I hope you enjoy see you after.

Hope you like it Please send feedback Bye

Thursday 12 April 2018


Hello my name is Tom like you know. Today I will be showing you my Diorama I have been working on with my friends Khaylanie and Quaid. If you didn't know a diorama is a story line in a box and our story line was about Samoa and Tonga village. We used tooth picks, Paper, Clay, Rocks and lots more. 

I hope you like this blog post see you next time Bye
Please send feedback - Tom

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Frida Kahlo art

Hello it's Tom for the past 3 or 4 week's we have been doing a art called Frida Kahlo she is a Mexican artist or a painter she is so we made are own but before I will show you a painting of her'sRelated image

Here it is 

Thursday 29 March 2018

First DLO in 2018!!!

Hello today I have a DLO for you it is about Making a tidy number so a tidy number is like 
6 + 4= 10 so the 10 is a tidy number hope you enjoy the DLO.

Please send feedback

Friday 9 March 2018

My Learning Goals!!!

My Learning Goals!

Hello today I have my Learning Goals sideshow to show you this was for teacher interviews. These learning goals our to show people what stage I am in with my learning like for my Personal Goal it's to charge my Chromebook every night then put it in my school bag. So I hope you enjoy.


Please leave a Helpful, Thoughtful comment bye.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

My Interview Plan

Hello Bloggers, Today I have an interview plan I will be interviewing Quaid but I don't have a video yet but here it is.

Hello I hope you have having a good day because I will make your day better. So today I am interviewing the amazing Quaid, Today I’m at Hornby Primary School My name is Tom and i’m the interviewer. I’m interviewing Quaid so we can know the information about Quaid,  I hope you enjoy this interview so sit back and enjoy.
Category 1:WISH LIST
  • If you have one what is your number 1 favorite car and why?
  • What’s your top 5 things in your wish list?
  • If you are going to have any job’s what would they be and why?
  • Tell me about what you like in your wish list?
  • So you could get anything in the world in your wishlist what would it be?
Category 2:SPORT
  • What’s your favorite sport and why?
  • If you play sports what do you play?
  • How long have you been playing sports?
  • What sports are you going to play when your older?
  • What your number one best rugby game that you've gone to?
Category 3: FREE TIME
  • Tell me about what do you do in your free time?
  • Have you ever done anything but that?
  • So tell me about what’s your favorite move?
  • What you're best thing that you like to do in your free time and why?
Thank you for watching this interview and a big thanks for Quaid for being in it, please comment a a thankful, helpful and a thoughtful comment bye.

Friday 23 February 2018

Cyclone Gita NZ

Cyclone Gita Video
On the 20th and the 21st of Feb 2018 Cyclone Gita hit New Zealand.
I am they sorry for the people that have lost love ones in Cyclone Gita.

My thoughts on Cyclone Gita
I was excited at first but then I got pretty scared because I could not go to sleep because the rain kept hitting the window.
On the 20th I was outside and I was sweeping water into the sewer. We all so had to move things into the garage and we had to move the tramp and tie it on to a tree because it would fly away but we didn't have the strong winds so we were lucky. 

Hopefully you learnt some facts about Cyclone Gita and I hope that another Cyclone doesn't hit again. 
Can you please comment helpful, thoughtful and positive comments. 

Thursday 15 February 2018

Ways to use your Chromebook Smart!!!

Ways to use your Chromebook Smart!!!

Hello today I have a DLO (Digital Learning Object) so it is the 3th week at school and this is my 2 blog post. I have made this good or bad drawing, we had to do ways to use your Chromebook. Here it is hope you enjoy. Tom

I hope you liked my DLO see you next blog post. Bye

Friday 9 February 2018

First week in 2018 at School!!!

First Week in 2018 at School!!!

Hello my name is Tom like you no, So how was your holidays my one was good. For this week at school we have had Elgregoe come to our school he was funny, Has Elgregoe Been to your School Please Say Yes or No in the comments. He has been at my school about 7 times (That's 7 Years) He has a new Partner in crime his name is Ben His wife was his partner but now they have a granddaughter I don't no his name so I'm sorry about that but I do no he is Two Years Old.

I have a new amazing teacher her name is teacher Miss D I had her as a teacher when I was a Year 2 or Year 3 I have the same but amazing teacher Ms Mclachlan.

2 days after Elgregoe We did Kawa of Care my friend was Jamie. Here's a photo of me and him doing it hope you enjoy the photo. That me on the left and Jamie is on the right the Kawa of Care was to be Cyber safe any were, so Some of the ones that I remember Never tell Someone your password only if they are in your family and if you trust them I would only if they where beside me so I can look what they are doing.

Thank You for looking at my blog post
Please send feedback in the Comments. Tom